Researching Colleges
Here are some websites that are very helpful in identifying and researching colleges that would be a good fit for your student.

Naviance: Naviance has many tools to help with your college search. Using your login information set-up by La Reina, start simple with the “college search” function.  If you would like to narrow your search, use the SuperMatch college search option. The SuperMatch option will give you more insight into individual colleges, if you discover a college that you are interested in, save it to your “college I’m thinking about” list.

Collegeboard’s Big Future
:  This website was developed by The College Board.  This is another good resource for your college search.

College Niche: Looking for reviews from real students? College Niche surveys students at colleges on a variety of topics and students give real feedback. These reviews are a place to start, but don’t let them stop you from forming your own opinions about a college.

California Higher Education Opportunities: Explore your options for high education in California.

California State University System: Explore the CSU’s! 23 great colleges at an affordable price tag.

University of California System: Explore the UC’s! 9 unique campuses all over California.

Catholic Colleges: Information on Catholic colleges and universities committed to promoting the value of Catholic higher education.

College that Change Lives: A group of colleges dedicated to providing a student-centered education.

Virtual Campus Tours: Can’t visit? This website allows you to take a virtual tour.

Western Undergraduate Exchange: Want to go out of state, but don’t want to pay out of state tuition? Check out these great options.